Personal Use Loans
Borrow Now For A Quick Pay Off
A personal loan from WCCU is a great way to consolidate bills and is also a good way to purchase items that you plan to pay off in just a few years or less. Smart borrowing can help you meet your needs and reach your financial goals.
Contact WCCU for a Personal Use Loan for a variety of things:
- Consolidate debt so you only have to worry about one payment instead of paying on multiple credit cards for example.
- Life happens and unexpected expenses pop up. Personal Use Loans can help you in the short term to pay off the expenses you weren’t able to plan for.
- Special occasions like weddings or once-in-a-lifetime anniversary trips can be expensive. A Personal Use Loan can help to keep costs manageable.
Personal Use Loans Can Help For Short Term Expenses
WCCU’s Personal Use Loans have affordable rates and several payment options. Plus, the application process is fast and easy!
For more information about our competitive Commercial and Agricultural loan products, contact any of our WCCU locations and we will be happy to assist you.